Monday, March 17, 2008

I Haven't Decieded If It's Annoying Yet

So I've been reading this Eckart Tolle book about being consious. This has been kind of a theme for the past few years for me and I feel that I am comming out of the borg of just doing things to do them. I don't get upset as often or as extremely as I used to, and I am aware of how awesome my adventure really is... most of the time.

With this in mind, I am listening to the ceaseless chirping and squaking of a flirtatious squirrel couple. I don't know if it's the twitterpation of the season, the fact that Nui (our dog) is fascinated with their foreplay or if it is just a freakin' annoying habit I am going to have to deal with all summer.

In all my "enlightenment" I am trying to appreciate the beauty of life and nature that this little squirrel represents. At first it was awesome. Kaia got such a kick out of them. She decided that squirrel is too hard to say and that monkey fit the description better. With all the racket they produce... with squeeks and squaks and chirps, it could very well sound like a monkey. So I let her think that we have pet monkeys, what is it going to hurt?

Anyway, now, it is not so awesome. It is actually quite distracting. It's nice to wonder the whys of the cosmos, but when ya gotta do taxes, or return important e-mails, it just seems to get in the way... actually, I would rather visit with the squirrel than do either of those things, but allas, I must finish taxes and the e-mails are for the greater good of our household... I really want to remodel before the baby gets here.

So, it comes down to this: I haven't decided if it is annoying or not. Funny how this new way of thinking makes it harder to make up your mind, form an opinion or even get behind a cause. I'm still passionate... but now I'm schitzo! I either love that squirrel or I hate it... depending on what I am trying to acomplish.


NicciN said...

LOL -- I get this moment so well!! You really realize that it is all a matter of your perspective. What came to my mind was mindfulness -- the way people always say you don't need quiet to meditate, you just need to focus on something else. I haven't mastered that art yet, but they say that the key is bringing yourself back more quickly each time. So in that way, the squirrel is helping you to workout your focusing muscles! :)

Squish said...

This whole concept of the moment is so tough at times. I remember a tape I used to listen to from Zig Ziglar. He talked about having quiet time each day - I think he used "quiet time" because "meditation" was taboo. He talked about how your mind will try to pull you away, "it's too hot/cold", "I need a cup of coffee to really enjoy this moment", "I haven't fed the dog", etc. The point is that your mind constantly distracts you with the to do list, but he stressed just sitting there and fending off those thoughts. My yoga teacher says "if you catch your mind wandering, gently bring it back to this moment and this body."

I try to meditate in the morning and it is sooo hard because I naturally start to plan my day. Being in the moment is a challenge, but so rewarding!