Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tis the Political Season

I usually don't get too wrapped up in politics, mostly because nobody on any ticket ever really excited me. Never mind the fact that no matter who or what I vote for, I don't seem to get my way. However, I have been following the presidential candidates with mild interest and did get excited about McCain's surprise pick for running mate.
Sarah Palin is a home-town girl... not to mention a MY-TOWN girl... AND is a woman I can relate to. NOT your typical politician... and certainly not your typical Republican. She has done good things honestly in the state of Alaska and has even taken on some pretty big Republican dynasties of corruption in an "oil state" without batting an eye. I'm sure she isn't perfect, but damn if she isn't getting thrown under the bus!

Quite honestly, I am appalled by the total lack of respect and compassion the media has shown regarding her personal life, which so far, has NOTHING to do with her character or her ability to fulfill the Vice President responsibilities. But what really bothers me is the "shock and awe" attack she is getting from WOMEN on BOTH sides of the political ball field!

I know that not every woman will agree with all of her political choices... in fact, I'm one of them. And, I'm sure that she has made her share of mistakes. But it doesn't take a genius to see that the media is being really unfair to her and her family. I hate to pull out the "woman" card, but there is totally a double standard here that even women appear to be supporting.

Is it jealousy, or just plain self-righteous bitchiness that drives this kind of bitterness? I don't get it. Why can't everyone focus on what matters and stop picking her apart for her perceived "failures" as a mother? Why would anyone, especially women, doubt or even consider her ability to be a professional AND a mother when determining her ability to be Vice President? They didn't ask any other candidate in the history of the country if he could be a professional AND a father!

Don't they know that even full-time-stay-at-home mommies can't manage every decision their children make? Heck, I can't even get my toddler to follow my lead, and I'm still bigger and smarter than she is... well, at least bigger for sure. I just don't see the relevance here.

And, just for the record, that idiot who tried to draw the correlation by asking "Why would we trust her to manage the country when she can't even manage her own family?" obviously NEVER had kids. That guy's an ass!

For more Palin info go to her official Bio or this latest press release


Tiffany W. said...

Sierra, I am going to have to agree with you. I really like Palin. I think she is super cute with her family and seems to have done a great job in Alaska. However, I personally don't care much for McCain. So i am a bit torn. I wish she was running for president! ;) If Mccain gets in office...maybe she will get her chance to be Pres. after all? Not saying i wish that on the man by any means. Just saying his years seem limited.

Squish said...

I agree wholeheartedly. A friend over the weekend called McCain's pick "an insult" to women. I, on the other hand, thought it was pretty smart. I am just thrilled that a woman is on the ticket and I wish her strength during this inappropriate roasting. She's new and different and being scrutinized because of it. Fortunately, she will pave the way for others, Republicans and Democrats. I applaud her even if I don't agree with her politics.

Tricia A. said...

I've been thinking about you ever since I heard Palin was from Wasilla. I agree with this post. The double standard is so apparent in her case it is unbelievable. Women talk about breaking glass ceilings but then once broken they are completely scrutinized for breaking it. If she can govern a state, help manage a family business, govern her family of five, stay fit and beautiful all at the same time, MORE POWER to this women. I think she is definitely fit to be the vice president. She has more experience as a mother for this position than most men do. Ever heard of control management, conflict resolution, hard work, sacrifice, and complete selflessness when it comes to being a MOTHER!

Kim said...

I just finished watching her acceptance speech and I was blown away. I have been excited about her since the announcement was made on Friday. I totally agree that she has been getting the raw end of the deal in the media, and I'm afraid it will backfire on those making the attacks. Everyone that I know has been really excited about this pick and I think that Democrats are more scared of her than they want to let on. I haven't been in love with McCain, but she definitely makes it easier for me to vote for him.

NicciN said...

I am right there with you. The whole thing is rather crazy, and I really wish I could fast forward to November. I have really mixed feelings about the whole process, but overall it disgusts me and further solidifies my distaste for the two party system and the polarization it brings to the country.

When Palin's nomination was announced and I learned more about here, I really respect her, especially for all that she has accomplisehd as a working mother. I get a sense that she is a good, honest person who is in this for the right reasons. To be honest, I get that vibe from all of the nominated candidates. They are in this to go for what they believe in and because they want to get the country back on track. I find that admirable. I can't vote for them since I strongly disagree with their positions about issues that are important to me, but that doesn't make them bad people or undeserving of my respect.

I just wish the whole campaign process would be less about polarizing, smearing, and digging up dirt and more about issues and bringing people together.

The Blood Family said...

I disagree, and I can see by your commentors, that i am in the minority. but i think that as a mother her first priority should be to her family, and it seems to me that they need her more. Not just with her teenagers, but her new little special baby. Surely there are others, at this time that are just as capable as her to fullfill the vice presidency. I think, come back in 8-12 years, when her children are older and i would be more then happy to support her.

Sierra said...

I'm sure that if Sarah had to choose between her family and her career, it would be family hands down. However, I think she has an opportunity here to improve the lives of her children and her children's children by fighting for what she believes is right.

I believe that not every woman's calling is to be a full-time-stay-at-home mommy. In fact, sometimes I even think that Ben would be better suited for the job than me. I recognize that my full-time influence is needed here right now, and I am honored to make the sacrifice and fulfill the role.

I believe that a father's first priority should be his family too! And THAT has been overlooked for FAR TOO LONG now. It just hurts me that our social norm is still to place the entire responsibility of rearing children on the woman.

Anonymous said...

My Two Major New Blogs, one on a new attack obama books, and two: his first two years of college at Occidental and his Politicization/PLEASE COMMENT!




Occidental, Obama, and the Road to Public Service
Plus a grear article from the Boston Globe:


kforbarack said...

You guys need to get a clue. You cannot be serious. The Republicans purely picked her to make a strategic move. They needed to be a part of history this year as well (coming on the heels of Hillary and Barack). The reason there's so much uproar and negativity around this pick is b/c there were alot of more qualified women that could have been selected. And oh by the way, what did you think about all of the "HOT CHICK" buttons that they were wearing at the Republican convention?! Hmm - how seriously do you think they're taking Palin. Seems as if she's just a trophy for McCain. Not sure what that says about his JUDGMENT. Good luck w/ that...