Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Okay-- She's Accident Prone

So we visited Urgent Care yet again. That's 3 times in less than 6 months! It would be funny if I didn't know how much it hurt, but my little heart breaks to hear Kaia hurting like she was.

The girls and I were all snuggling on the couch watching Public Television when Grandma called. Like ritual with these calls, I ventured into the garage and various other parts of the house picking things up and wiping things down. I step out of the front room for 5 minutes and I hear this scared little cry. Like something is really bad, but she isn't quite sure how bad. I rush in to find her standing by the front door with a hacked up box of granola bars, a fillet knife and a stab wound to her left leg!

I think my last words to Mom were 'Kaia just stabbed herself, gotta go.' click. About a minute later she calls back to see how bad it is and where. It took me all of .02 seconds to figure out what had happened and another 2 minutes or so to decied I needed to take her in for stitches. It was about 1/2 an inch deep and just as wide. Not too big of a deal, but not going to stay closed with the location and her activity level. Plus, her legs really aren't that big, so 1/2 an inch pretty deep.

Apparently the box could take more of an assault than Kaia could handle. There were about big hacks in the box, so I knew she used significant force to drive that knife into her leg. :(

So, off we go again to the same doctor who checked her out after this and this. I was relieved to find that he wasn't suspicious of me coming in with pretty big accidents in such a short time.

The good news is that it only took 2 staples, the bad news is that there were a lot of tears. I even shed a few. I hate to see my little ones hurt or scared and Kaia was both. :( :( :( We survived it though and are all home safe and put back together. She will be on antibiotics for 10 days and can't swim or soak in the tub till the staples come out (the 10 days). That is going to be the worst for her. She LOVES the water.

Right now she is distracted enough with cheeze balz and 101 Dalmations, so I dared to steal away (not far enough to break line of sight) to type this. The tough part for me is having to admit that she is accident prone and I have to keep my eye on her and fight her to keep her safe. Tis the curse of moms everywhere!


NicciN said...

Glad to hear she is OK. So sorry you had that happen. It is the hardest thing watching your kids in pain.

Tiffany W. said...

Ouch! that breaks my heart!! but it sounds like you kept a level head. I think I would have called 9-1-1 and then passed out. Seriously...I am a total panicker and over reactor and if my kids have a cough I am sure it is some deadly virus they caught and they are dying. plus i am not good with puncture wounds...I would have been a super bad combination all around. Glad she is okay...but you deserve a hand for having to go through all of that! I am quite certain it is harder on the moms who have to watch than the kids who actually go through it.

Lacey said...

Poor thing! I hate taking kids to urgent care or anything! It really does break your heart to see them hurt and be so incrediably helpless! I'm glad she's feeling better!

Jennifer said...

Oh no! I'm glad it was "minor"! I'm a travelling talker too, they always wait until you're out of the room then BAM! Hugs for Kaia, and Mommy too!

Squish said...

You poor thing and your poor little girl - how frightening for you both!!! So glad that two staples took care of it and that you have a plan for the recovery. My best to you both.

1tiredmama said...

Glad to see you are back to blogging with the new year. I need to follow your lead and be better about mine. I have always loved how good you are about setting goals and following through. Keep up the awesome work! Hope Kaia is feeling better.