Okay, so last week was a flop as far as the positive changes go. I have been working so hard to lose some extra pounditos and get myself physically strong enough to do this 16.1 mile leg of the Hard Rock 100 with my dad. Well, I did get 4 days of exercise in last week but I only went 1/2 ass on the training regiment… and don’t even get me started on the nutrition program. I kept to the plan of eating every 4-5 waking hours, but effectively replaced the high-nutrient foods with ice cream, doritos, french fries and yes, even a little rum & full-sugar coke. Ah, the luxuries of spending a weekend in a real city!
Barrow sure tries to be a real city, but I think it falls short by a few thousand conveniences. It’s not that bad, but coming back has driven me to the cupboards and fridge and pantry. I should just put big signs all over the kitchen saying “IT’S NOT IN HERE!” Because deep down, I know that it is NOT. I don't even know what IT is. Something tasty? Something empowering? something motivating? I don't know, but I keep looking anyway. The good news is that we don’t keep junk foods in the house and I am really not tempted by raw ingredients. The bad news is that I gained a pound on my
I’m also hoping that the lack of motivation is just the sugar detox talkin’ because I am white knuckling it right now and don’t know if I can hang on to what little determination I have left. The truth is that nothing tastes as good as success and I really want to reach my goal. I have 5 weeks left to lose 21 lbs, run 168 miles and climb up and down 7740 flights of real stairs. I’m confident that it can be done, but not if I sit on my ass only to get up to check in the cupboards for something tasty. If any of you have tips or encouragement, I could sure use some.
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