Sunday, May 13, 2007

Gratitude Sundays: My Integrity

Today I am grateful for my integrity, and for a strange reason. I have never been much of a reality show fan, but I really got into Survivor Fiji. TV actually inspired me; whooda thunkit? For those who aren't up to speed:Yao-Man made a deal with Dreamz that he would give him the truck for the immunity in the final four. After a huge speech about how he has to be a man of his word and that's who he is and how he has to be an example for his son, Dreamz revoked his end of the bargain. Now Dreamz thinks he has a chance to win the million after what he did to Yao. NO WAY, NO HOW, NOT EVER! He has got stupidest man alive to think that it was going to work in his favor. At least he has the truck as his tacky trophy to proclaim his sell out.

Anyway, it made me think about what I stand for, what is important to me and what I would sacrifice protect my identity. Not from thieves who would take my credit cards or bank account numbers, but from the shiny distractions of things. MasterCard said it best; some things money can’t buy.

I have never had to decide between my integrity and a chance at a million dollars, but I have had something just as valuable to me on the line. That Alaska Airlines job would have been amazing travel and shipping benefits to wherever AA flies (which, from Barrow adds up to $2500 / trip, $600/ month in groceries and you just can’t put a price on reliable health, dental, chiropractic and hair care, not to mention the mental sanity of being in normal civilization and accommodating weather.

I passed the opportunity up for what I believe in, for who I am and what I stand for. Had I taken that job, I would have regretted it in short order. Not because working outside the home is bad, but because it isn’t right for me right now and I know it. So today, I am grateful for my integrity.

On a lighter note, even though Yao-Man played the best game and should have won it, I am glad that Earl beat out those other 2 slackers taking every jury vote for the million bucks!

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