Friday, February 9, 2007

Lets Start Small

I have been thinking a lot about leaving a legacy here in Barrow. It is quite the place with plenty of needs for leadership and love. I’m still not sure what my legacy will entail, but one small thing I can do now to help others is to build an on-line network. I feel I have been inspired and I am actually pretty excited about getting the whole project underway.

It looks like I can get web hosting for the year and all the programming to run an “open source” forum and calendar of events for less than $150/ year. The idea would be to have a forum where people could post events, activities and tips for survival here. There could be a place for groups sharing the same interests and it would provide for special interests such as stay-at-home mommies and people suffering from Seasonal Depression.

It would be so much fun and give me a lot of experience in building a website for future endeavors… like the big dream of the adventure lodge. In any case, it would be a service to the community, and I could sure use a project to occupy my time and tap into my creative side for cause outside myself.

I have been putting some thought into a domain name and I could use any recommendations for the site. Here are a few name ideas I came up with:

  • Arctic Community Resource
  • Arctic Connection
  • Barrow Family Network
  • Polar Playground
  • Tundra Trax

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